How to Grow and Care For Becky Shasta Daisy

Becky shasta daisy (Leucanthemum x superbum ‘Becky’), a sturdy, hardy cultivar of the original shasta daisy, grows larger than the traditional hybrid and features long-lasting, showy flowers. The blooms of this daisy measure 3 to 4 inches across and bear white petals surrounding a central bright yellow disk. Becky shasta daisy sprouts from the garden on rigid stems that bear leathery, lance-shaped green leaves, and, when fully mature, can reach up to 3 feet high. This flower can be planted in the spring or early fall, and is considered an aggressive spreader, should you let it freely sow its seeds.

Becky shasta daisy is considered mildly toxic to people1 and pets.2 Eating large amounts of daisies could cause vomiting, drooling, and even muscle spasms or convulsions, in your pet.

Common NameBecky shasta daisy
Botanical NameLeucanthemum x superbum ‘Becky’
Plant TypeHerbaceous, perennial
Mature Size3–4 ft. tall, 2–3 ft. wide
Sun ExposureFull
Soil TypeWell-drained
Soil pHNeutral
Bloom TimeSummer
Flower ColorWhite
Hardiness Zones5–9 (USDA)
Native AreaNorth America
ToxicityToxic to people and animals 2 1

Becky Shasta Daisy Care

In proper growing conditions, Becky shasta daisy requires little care. The plant grows tall, but rarely requires staking due to its rigid stems. This flower is commonly used in a border, mixed into a perennial bed, or planted in a cutting garden. Deadheading (removing spent blooms) helps promote additional flowers when this plant is in bloom; plus, removing the flower heads before they go to seed prevents unwanted spread. You can divide this plant every two to three years to maintain its vigor by simply digging it up and separating the roots, keeping as many as possible intact. Replant the smaller clumps wherever you wish. 


Plant Becky shasta daisy in a spot that receives full sun for at least six hours a day for prolific flowering. In climates with especially hot summers, light shade in the afternoon can be beneficial for this plant. Still, if your daisy grows leggy, lack of sun could be the culprit.


Becky shasta daisy isn’t picky about its soil type, as long as the ground has good drainage. Soil that remains wet for too long can cause root rot, ultimately killing the plants. Make sure the soil is moderately fertile, but don’t amend it with too much compost, as overly fertile soil results in more greenery than flowers. Shasta daisy grows well in soil with a pH of 6.0 to 8.0.


Becky shasta daisy is drought-tolerant, requiring only low to moderate amounts of water. During the first growing season, water your daisies daily to keep the soil lightly moist (but ensure that it doesn’t get soggy). Once mature, Becky shasta daisy only needs 1 to 2 inches of water a week, either by rainfall or irrigation. Bump up the watering when your plants have noticeable signs of wilt. 

Temperature and Humidity

Shasta daisy tolerates a fairly good range of temperatures, from hot conditions to cold nights. That said, extremely high temperatures can stress the plant, and a late-season frost can injure buds, preventing bloom. Providing a layer of mulch around the daisy can help to protect the roots from extreme temperature fluctuations. 

This daisy prefers a humidity level of 60 percent or below and does not tolerate extremely humid climates. Humid conditions can contribute to waterlogged soil, causing the roots to rot.


Becky shasta daisy only requires fertilizer if you have very lean soil. In this instance, work a few shovels of organic compost or steer manure into your existing garden bed before planting. Repeat this annually in the spring for best results.

Types of Shasta Daisy

The shasta daisy hybrid has been tweaked several times to achieve certain characteristics, like sturdy stems (Becky variety) and diminished height (Snow Lady). Choosing the variety best for you depends on your gardening goals and your chosen location.

Here are a few favorites:

  • The ‘Esther Read’ variety has fluffy white “double flowers” (flowers with extra petals) and pale yellow centers. This cultivar lacks the traditional center disk, and instead, features a petaled center.
  • ‘Silberprinzesschen’ is a compact shasta daisy that only grows up to a foot tall, making it one of the shortest daisies available. This cultivar features abundant 3-inch blooms and traditional yellow disks.
  • Another compact variety, ‘Snow Lady,’ only reaches around a foot high and features the classic white daisy flowers, which stretch roughly 2.5 inches across. This cultivar has an exceptionally long bloom time.
  • The unique look of ‘Wirral Pride’ boasts double flowers that seem to drop away from its petaled center, giving it an anemone look. This variety reaches around 1.5 to 2 feet tall.


Becky shasta daisy can be pruned at any time during its growing season to remove dead stems and flowers. Deadheading (removing shriveled flowers) encourages more blooms and lengthens the bloom time. Deadheading also helps control the spread of this aggressive perennial that easily propagates through seed. In the late fall, prune the plant all the way back to 3 inches above the ground to overwinter.

Propagating Becky Shasta Daisy

Seasoned gardeners recommend dividing your daisies each spring, as soon as new growth appears. This helps foster the vitality of the plant, while also discouraging its spread. Dividing your plants in this way also allows you to plant this variety somewhere else on your landscape.

Here’s how to propagate Becky shasta daisy by division:

  1. Gather gloves, a spade shovel, a garden trowel, pruning shears, and compost.
  2. In the spring, carefully dig up your Becky shasta daisy plant by breaking up the soil around the root zone (4 to 6 inches around the plant).
  3. Shake off as much soil as possible and lay the plant and root ball on the ground on its side.
  4. Using the trowel, carefully pick apart the root ball, making sure each division has healthy growth.
  5. With shears, trim away any dead growth from the new divisions.
  6. Dig several holes, add a shovel full of compost to the soil, and then plant your new divisions, taking care to fully bury the roots.
  7. Return the mother plant to its hole, burying the remaining roots.
  8. Water everything thoroughly.

How to Grow Becky Shasta Daisy From Seed

You can also grow Becky shasta daisy from seed sown directly into your garden bed. However, don’t expect this plant to flower in its first year. To do so, purchase seeds from a nursery and aerate your garden bed by adding peat to your soil. Sow the seeds directly into your garden once the soil temperatures reach 70 F. Cover the seeds with 1/8-inch of soil and water them thoroughly. Seeds should germinate in 10 to 20 days. Once sprouted, thin healthy seedlings to achieve a 2-foot margin around each plant. Keep the soil consistently moist during the first summer of growth.

Potting and Repotting Becky Shasta Daisy

Becky shasta daisy can be grown in pots, however, this tall variety will need a large pot to accommodate its height and prevent it from toppling over. Choose a heavy, glazed ceramic pot with a drain hole to keep the soil evenly moist and well-drained. Add an all-purpose potting soil that contains vermiculite and plant daisy starts directly into the soil. (It’s not recommended to start daisies from seed if you’re growing them in pots, as they won’t flower until the second year.) Water the pot and let it drain completely, and then locate it to a sunny location.


In the fall, ready your daisy for winter by pruning back the growth to 3 inches above the soil line. Add a few inches of mulch around the base of the plant to keep the roots warm. In warmer climates, your daisy may produce green growth throughout the winter. Simply continue pruning the dying foliage until spring.

Common Pests & Plant Diseases

Becky shasta daisy, like all daisies, occasionally becomes infected with a fungal disease called verticillium wilt. When infected, the plant quickly wilts and sometimes turn yellow. It’s recommended to remove and destroy plants with this disease, as the fungus is hard to eradicate with a fungicide and may spread to other plants in your garden,

This flower is also susceptible to leaf spot, a fungal disease that presents as spots on the foliage. Spraying the plant with a mild solution of baking soda and water or an organic mix containing sulfur or copper octanate, can remedy this problem.

Common garden pests, like aphids and leaf miners, may also affect your Becky shasta daisies. Control them by first reducing the population with hard blasts from the garden hose, and then spraying the plant with a neem oil-based organic insecticide.

How to Get Becky Shasta Daisy to Bloom

Proper care, like sunlight and weekly waterings, will reward you with ample daisy blooms. Once the blooms become spent, cut the flower stem all the way back to the foliage to encourage new growth and more blooms. Dividing once a year also maintains a proper bloom cycle, as overgrown plants will produce fewer blooms and leggy stems.

Common Problems With Becky Shasta Daisy

Over and underwatering are two of the most common issues with Becky shasta daisy. Overwatering will provide conditions suitable for fungus and root rot, while cutting off the roots from ample oxygen. This usually presents first on flowering stems. Underwatering can cause the center disks of the flowers to turn brown. If you see this happening, quickly revitalize your plant with a good watering. With consistent care, this issue should remedy itself quickly.

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